Ivy Chen & Shawn Yue’s new movie Close Friend’s first character posters

I thought about this post’s title for a bit, because upcoming movie Close Friend (閨蜜 / Gui Mi) has a pretty damn good looking cast besides Ivy Chen and Shawn Yue (That would be Vanness Wu, Wallce Chung, Fiona Sit and Yang Zi Shan). Plus it has a well known Hong Kong director attached to it – Barbara Wong, whose previous project The Stolen Years (with Joseph Chang and Bai Bai He) had pretty good reviews. With this type of cross-country productions, I don’t know whether to call this a HK, TW or C movie anymore.

Filming had recently completed and a press conference was held last week in Beijing. Although the movie has a pretty strong male cast, the story will focus on three close girl friends who grew up together and shared many ups and downs. On the first character posters, there is a line which says “In my life, you have never left / said goodbye and you are never far away.” I guess the message here is no matter what happens, their friendships can survive through thick and thin.

When director Barbara Wong was asked why does she have such a strong male cast in a movie about women? Her response was, “All emotions a woman experiences in life actually comes from men!” She also revealed one of the male characters will cause a rift between the girl friends.

I’ve always liked Shawn Yue. When he first started in the industry he had a lot negative press but now, he has a solid body of work making him one of the more watchable young(er – around 30 years old) actors from Hong Kong. Ivy has admitted that Shawn is her ‘type’ and Shawn replied with “If the status changes, I’ll let everyone know.” Ambigious? But it’s probably all for publicity. Even though it doesn’t look like sparks will fly between them in real life, at least we might be able to see it on the big screen.


Close Friend will be released in August during the Chinese Valentine’s Day period. (By the way, why does Wallace look… ORANGE?)



Photo credits: chinayes.com, qq.com



3 responses to “Ivy Chen & Shawn Yue’s new movie Close Friend’s first character posters”

  1. cloudandsea Avatar

    OMG what happened to Wallace Chung?!?!?! What is he wearing and why… does he looks so skinny. AND ORANGE D:

    1. kat Avatar

      That orange is sooo weird and unnatural isn’t it! How did THAT happen. Maybe he wore that suit to create a distraction.

  2. coffeenlucia Avatar

    Yang Zi Shan <3 Loved her in "So Young". Will check out this movie^-^

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