Upcoming C/TW dramas which might pull me out of this slump

[Updated 3 April with airing dates for Lovestore at the corner (April 18) and Prince William (April 25).]


I guess it is a bit of slump when I’m not uber motivated to follow on-air dramas! So are these upcoming dramas going to help? I guess none of them are on my MUST watch list (probably except You light up my star) but I might end up watching a few episodes just to see whether they’re worth continuing.


Listed according to their (possible/likely) air dates. Dramas without an approximate air date are listed according to anticipation level?



Starring: Chris Wu, Kimi Hsia, Mike Li Zheng Ying, Nita Lei Se Lin

Status: Filming (?), will air on March 16

TVBS’ third drama after Dragon Gate and Kiss me Mom! This caught me by surprise because back in May last year when TVBS did a launch of its new drama division, it was reported the third ‘headline’ drama will be Ruby Lin’s Sixteen Summers. (I saw some news that Ruby is filming it and that one will follow Rock N’Road.)


Anyway, Rock N’Road looks good, and I mean Chris Wu’s hair in particular. Plus, the theme song is by Mayday and the ending  song by Jia Jia? Made of win right? (Just let me erase the associations with Dragon Gate then we can talk.) I mean, a huge part of why I stuck with Dragon Gate was because I applaud TVBS’ efforts in trying to do something different. Exploring different genres and actually spend more money in making and promoting its dramas. Unfortunately, I don’t think its first two dramas generated much buzz. Maybe practice makes perfect, although Rock N’Road will be in the competitive Sunday idol dramas timeslot which makes it more difficult.


Story Outline from Rock N’Road’s Facebook page:

Lin Wei Zhen (Kimi Hsia) was a famous child actor but lost her popularity after she grew up. She is at a low point in her life. In contrast, legendary music producer Zhou Shu Yu (Chris Wu) is at the peak of his career. All the singers he collaborates with become famous and best selling. Wei Zhen enters Shu Yu’s world through a song. However, Shu Yu is betrayed by his girlfriend Yang Jia Xin and his partner/assistant Xu Li Da and lost everything. The trouble prone Wei Zhen was the only one who will continue the journey with Shu Yu.


Obsessions of Line also has more useful information about this drama


Verdict: Watch with caution.




Starring: Aaron Yan, Tia Li

Status: Filming, will air on April 6


Short story outline from DramaFever:

Lu Tian Xing is a prodigy in Asia’s advertising field. Rich, famous, and mightily successful, he suddenly announces during a press conference that he will be taking a three-month break from the advertising life. With a simple disguise, he transforms himself into “Xiao Lu.” Enter Tao Le Si, a young woman who promised her late brother to protect his advertisement agency and his legacy. Unfortunately business never picks up and Le Si had to battle with Tian Xing to stop her company from being sold. When Xiao Lu enters her office doors, Le Si initially thinks that he’s Tian Xing but the two men’s personalities are complete opposites. Le Si finds herself drawn to Xiao Lu’s warm temperament, but will their love last once she discovers the truth of his identity?


I’m quite surprised SETTV actually has an even more detailed story outline (see this article) – I remember Love Around had like a one line description lol. However, don’t expect anything ground breaking here? They know what the fangirls want – lots of AARON YAN to the point where there’s a poll going asking which outfits would people want to see Aaron in, for each of his personalities.

I prefer Lu Tian Xing A (top left) and Xiao Lu A (bottom left)? I don’t know what’s going on with that big bow in the top right and although I like bottom right as well, I need to see the full body photo. The pants look a bit suspicious. Leave a message to vote here because it’s totally important.


See what’s happening here? Who cares about the plot if we can choose the outfits! HA. Oh wait, what about Tia? Takes two to tango right? I think people need to be transitioned to a new OTP for Aaron – not that I’m complaining. However, does this really have 31 episodes?!? That feels way too long.


Obsessions of Line also has more useful information about this drama


Verdict: Watch! But with a life jacket just in case I need to abandon ship later.



Starring: Xie Kun Da, Andrea Chen Kuang Yi

Status: Filming, will air on April 25

According to the writer Kelly Chen Hui Ru (Black & White, Chocolat), this drama will follow TTV’s currently airing Chocolat? The Friday night timeslot has been producing quality dramas (eg. A Good Wife, The Pursuit of Happiness) so does that mean Prince William (not the official name) will be just as good? It is directed by Huang Tian Ren, whose previous work include What is Love.


Hrm. Andrea Chen, better known as Maggie from In Time with You as a lead already?!? Hasn’t she only done like… two dramas? (ITWY was bearable I suppose plus we haven’t seen the still in limbo drama version of Tiny Times.) Maybe their risk will pay off…


Not much has been released about the story. According to this article, Kun Da will play two roles, a happy, kind fishmonger from a small village who by chance, meets a rich, cold guy who looks exactly like himself but had an accident. He ends up ‘impersonating’ the rich guy, while trying to prevent the rich guy’s sister (Andrea Chen) from finding out the truth. Andrea will play an ambitious journalist who is a little rebellious. The writer reveals the story will focus more on real life issues in the workplace, family relationships and also friendships.


Verdict: Try a couple of episodes and see how it goes.




Starring: Joe Cheng, Janine Chang, Summer Meng

Status: Filming, will air on April 25 (?)

OCKoala has posted a few articles on this drama already so I won’t repeat everything that was said. I was pretty much sold on it based on the Director Winnie + Janine Chang combination. The story has Joe and Janine both playing actors, exploring the ‘darker’ side of the entertainment industry?


Verdict: Watch!



Starring: Nikki Hsieh, Lee Wei, Alien Huang, Chloe Wang

Status: Filming complete, will air on April 18

This is just my personal opinion but Lee Wei really does nothing for me. I was quite prepared to just skip this one until Alien Huang’s name came up. He was added in later on right? I don’t remember seeing his name on the original cast. The storyline sounds okay (although it has quite a few of the dramaland cliches already! Amnesia! Disappearance! Falling in love with your sister’s (ex)boyfriend!) Oh well, it’s produced by Dreamland Productions and they make everything look so nice and cosy.


Story Outline from its official website:

Xiang Shu Lei (Lee Wei) comes from a family of doctors. Although he has a girlfriend Du Ke Jie (Tracy Chou Cai Shi), he also has an ambiguous relationship with Dong Xin Ni (Chloe Wang). One day, Ke Jie went to Bi Jia Mountain alone and never came back. Shu Lei and Xin Ni both felt extremely guilty over Ke Jie’s disappearance and they broke up very quickly.  Since then, Xin Ni concentrated on her work and became a future star of the property development industry.


After Ke Jie disappeared, her father stubbornly continues to search for her while her mother becomes obsessed with investing in share markets. Younger sister Ke Xing (Nikki Hsieh) not only lost her sister, she also lost her father’s love. When the Du family finally accepted Ke Jie is never going to come back, they start to pack her belongings. However, Shu Lei secretly takes Ke Jie’s bookcase…


Due to a car accident, Shu Lei loses his memory. He moves to Yi Lan and opens a book store. One day, Ke Xing comes into his bookstore and sees Shu Lei. She realises he was her sister’s boyfriend but didn’t expect him to have amnesia. Ke Xing thought, if she can revive Shu Le’s memories, maybe she can earn the reward so her boyfriend Li Ze Xuan (Alien Huang) can start his own business.


A property mogul is making development plans for Yi Lan. Dong Xin Ni is also participating in the project. Will she meet Shu Lei again? For her boyfriend, Ke Xing gets a job at the bookstore but unexpectedly, she is attracted to him…



Verdict: Will wait for reviews to see whether it’s worth watching.




Starring: Show Lo, Mao Jun Jie, Zheng Luo Qian, Ao Quan (Lollipop F), Gui Gui

Status: Just started filming, air date unknown

I don’t mind Show Lo as a singer / host, but I’m a bit iffy about him as an actor. But this is his ‘proper’ return to dramaland after Hi, My Sweetheart (If you don’t count his micro film with Rainie Yang) some four years ago, so it’s bound to generate interest. I would’ve loved to see a Show/Gui Gui pairing but I believe she is only the second lead.


Short synopsis from guiguiwuyingjie @ Tumblr:

The plot revolves around a guy named Song Xiao Lei (Show Luo) who just had a bad break up and lost his job. With the help of his friend Hua Qiang (Ao Quan), he decides to start a new life, including finding a new home. Xiao Lei somehow ends up living in an apartment with Hu Li Li (Mao Jun Jie), Li Mei Dai (Gui Gui), and Bai Jing Jing (Zheng Luo Qian), three girls with different personalities.


Kappy just posted a more detailed post with lots of pictures over at AVV.


Verdict: Try a couple of episodes & see how it goes.



Starring: Rainie Yang, Zheng Kai, Michael Chang, Ivy Shao Yu Wei

Status: Currently filming, air date unknown

I like Rainie Yang a lot and was quite excited to see her back filming dramas again. However, I’m not sure I love her enough to watch *everything* she does plus I don’t have a lot of confidence in modern c-dramas. Doesn’t help that one of the selling points of this drama is that it’s by the same team (not director though?) of Shining Days –which sucked away many hours of my life I have come to regret.


The very brief story outline so far is that Rainie and Zheng Kai play a pair of bickering rivals – Rainie is the marriage planner who believes in marriage while Zheng Kai is a break up specialist. The opening scenes involves Rainie doing bungee jumping!


Verdict: Will wait for reviews to see whether it’s worth watching.



Starring: Blue Lan, Amber An, Zhang Ting Hu, Christina Mok Yun Wen

Status: Filming complete, air date unknown

Put Mag Hsu’s (writer of In Time with You, An Innocent Mistake) name on it and I’m already curious. Can’t find much of anything on it though?! I worry about the cast, a lot. I don’t particular consider Blue Lan and (especially) Amber An strong actors. Maybe I’ve just been watching the wrong dramas with them.


Verdict: Try a couple of episodes and see how it goes.




Starring: Ady An, Mike He

Status: Filming complete, air date unknown

I was rather excited when they were filming this last year and then of course forgot about it until OC Koala posted the 20 minute preview. I haven’t watched the preview yet, because I hate how C-Drama teasers can get so spoilery? When Ady was searching for a male lead for this drama, I wish she had considered Dylan Kuo, that would’ve been such a nice reunion! (Maybe she did, but the news never included him when they mentioned a list of the actors she tried to get for this role.) See OCKoala’s post for a proper story outline!


Verdict: Will wait for reviews to see whether it’s worth watching.



Starring: Alice Ke, Mike He

Status: Filming, air date unknown

I like Alice and the storyline sounds okay…?


Story outline from CTI TV:

Mike He plays a single dad who doesn’t believe in love anymore. He operates a pizza shop to support his daughter and they live a happy, simple life. Alice Ke plays a 30 year old country girl who moves to the city for work. However, she suddenly faces the lost of her job and her boyfriend. That’s when she starts to reassess her life. Mike and Alice will start off as enemies/adversaries but later become teacher/student. As they help each other and listen to each other’s problems, love blossoms.


Verdict: Will wait for reviews to see whether it’s worth watching.



11 responses to “Upcoming C/TW dramas which might pull me out of this slump”

  1. Kappy Avatar

    Thanks for the compilation Kat! 🙂

    I’m nodding my head in agreement when you wondered whether Ady has considered Dylan at all. MY SAME EXACT THOUGHT!! I would be all over this one if he were…..but he’s not….. and Mike He doesn’t really rock my ship… *dodges bullet from fangirls*

    1. Kappy Avatar

      OH MY GOD! My comment showed up! (This is one of the two issues that I emailed you about.) =D

      1. kat Avatar

        HAHAHAHA Nope, Mike doesn’t do much for me either!! Ady/Dylan just need a happy ending for a change!

        (Got your email by the way, will reply to it later today.) 🙂

  2. timeinthegray Avatar

    LOL, I have the same reactions as you to Aaron’s outfits. I’d prefer Set B if not for the questionable bow and the suspicious pants…

    Ah, Kunda’s doing another drama? And he’s playing two roles? I just finished his 70-episode Second Life, so while I like him well enough, I think I need a break from him (or, uh, two of him). It would be interesting to see him act opposite Andrea though.

    D’awww, I’d love to see Show Luo and GuiGui as the leads! Too bad that’s not the case. As for Show’s acting—in my book, overacting’s better than underacting, so I’m glad he’s returning to Dramaland nonetheless.

    1. kat Avatar

      That huge bow is taking the focus away from his face! That’s not acceptable now is it?!

      70 episodes is a huge achievement! I’m afraid this one will turn out be a mess so it would wise to skip it anyway. (or at least wait for reviews…)

      Maybe my problem with Show is that his host/singer personality is so strong it’s hard to imagine him in another character.

  3. carolies541 Avatar

    I’m not very excited for any of them honestly but I’ll probably catch a few episodes first before deciding. The teasers of Rock ‘n’ Road definitely got my interest up and Apple in your eye is probably my most anticipated drama because of Mag Hsu (I have too much faith in her), Blue Lan is actually a pretty strong actor when he’s not doing those lame idol-dramas, I prefer him in The Outsiders and Say Yes Enterprise. I don’t know what happened to him but he’s been making very bad decisions in drama choices. YLUMS is probably the most popular out of the bunch but I’m not a big fan of Joe Chen even though I’m quite fond of Janine Zhang, I like director winnie and the team of screenwriters behind it so I hope it will be good.

    1. kat Avatar

      Ah The Outsiders, he was good in there. Although everyone will look like a great actor next to Dylan Kuo at that time LOL. Memory of that drama is so hazy now, feels like so long ago….

      At least there’re a whole bunch of cameos for YLUMS which will be fun to spot!

  4. heisui Avatar

    ” I mean Chris Wu’s hair in particular” LOL KAT!!!!! Of course! 😛 I am also being very wary about Rock n Road. Remember how the MV for Dragon Gate was amazing? Well the MV’s for Rock n Road are also great. So I am proceeding with caution to not get to hyped up about it, heheh.

    Anyways wow I’m surprised about all the upcoming tw-dramas. (Well, mainly the ones without airdates). But I mean, I’m surprised Rainie is filming a new one! *w*

    I think SHENZHEN ROOMMATE DIARIES sounds most interesting to me for now, based on the synopsis.

    1. kat Avatar

      At least Rock N’ Road has a more ‘conventional’ storyline? Even if they just follow the formula surely it can’t be so bad right?!?!

      Shenzhen Roommate Diaries sounds ok, Show is like the king with three girls revolving around him LOL. (At least that’s what it sounded like when the news first came out!) But at least on Gui Gui’s side she might start off having a crush on him then moves on with someone else….

  5. coke Avatar

    I think taiwanese dramas are in a slump right now!! Nothing seems like a standout to watch (except maybe In a Good Way), and also every taiwanese female has been obsessed with the korean drama My Love From the Star for the past couple of months. The only upcoming drama that I’m interested in is You Light Up My Star. It has potential to be actually good… I also think they gave Andrea Chen the lead female role for Prince William because drama producers/directors are looking for the next leading lady. Previously, actresses like Sonia Sui and Ivy Chen both became household names, and now they’re looking for other actresses to fill the gap. Puff Kuo is very popular, but she is already popular with Dream Girls, regardless of idol drama or not.

    1. kat Avatar

      It’s true it’s getting harder to find established actors for TW dramas these days (male and female!) since they can get better money in China. So increasingly they turn to pretty much anyone the public might ‘know’ of and see how it goes. Hopefully Andrea has improved since ITWY, she’s sweet and likable enough.

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