Jasper Liu and Jolin Chien attract 600 fans for SPop Magazine autograph event (Bromance alert!)

I think I’ve been complaining about Pleasantly Surprised aka Love Myself or You (喜歡‧一個人) for a few weeks now and it usually consists of comments revolving around situations that doesn’t actually contribute to the plot, too much fan service (it’s too much for me because I’m not *really* a fan of Puff Kuo’s Kai Qi and Jasper Liu’s Ah Jie), and… not enough Jolin Chien aka Hao Wei because yes, I wasn’t going to watch this drama but decided to take a look because of him…


Usually, interest in the show will just keep declining until I can’t be bothered to watch it anymore but I thought last Friday’s episode (episode 14) picked up somewhat since they actually tried to resolve pretty much the only major issue left for our couple (until the writers come up with something else) – Ah Jie’s crazy older brother. I guess one of the best things about Pleasantly Surprised / Love Myself or You is that misunderstandings / conflicts are resolved fairly quickly.


Earlier this month, the main love triangle (and I use that term loosely because the Kai Qi x Ah Jie ending is pretty solid?) appeared on the special edition cover of SETTV’s own SPop Magazine and luckily for the fans, an autograph event was held with our two male leads yesterday. Initially worried that noone will come because Puff has other commitments (probably filming since Jasper came from the set!), 600 fans actually turned up in the 36 degree heat to see Jasper and Jolin. (even their names are cute together!)



Jasper said that he had became good friends with Jolin. Besides filming, they will go to the gym together and help each other lift weights. Since they both love singing and both have their own bands, Jolin sang as he signed autographs. So Jasper asked, “When will we form a band and perform together” and Jolin immediately accepted. After the autograph event, they will go and eat stir fried rice noodles and meat ball soup together…



I LOLed so hard when I saw this – they re-enacted this scene in episode 14…


I haven’t been following Love Myself or You’s Behind the Scenes religiously but caught the ones from episodes 13 and 14 where Jasper and Jolin’s developing bromance is SO CUTE! In the ep 13 BTS, Jasper celebrated his 28th birthday recently (August 12) and of course the cast celebrated with a cake for him.


And guess who gave him a kiss?


So I’m assuming this is some days later, (ep 14 BTS) Jolin explains that he saw on social media Jasper went to Hong Kong to perform with his band, and the effects unit blew up / broke. So he asked all of this friends who play the guitar to source the exact same one as a gift to Jasper. After the rest of the cast made some jokes that the gift is something *interesting*… (I think they want to mislead him to think it’s a blown up doll LOL.) Jasper sees that it’s the exact same one that was broken…

Then Puff started saying Jasper should give Jolin a kiss. (LOL!) Jasper claims he has never kissed a guy before…


In case all of the pics and gifs above are not enough 😉 here’re some more pics from the event where they re-enact the poses from the magazine photoshoot. (The originals were quite dull so I edited them.) *BRB DYING*



Photos from the Jasper x Puff x Jolin edition of SPop Magazine can be found on Obsessions of Line & Sphere of Gray.

The Behind the Scenes Videos are on YouTube – Episode 13 & Episode 14.


Photo credits: Pleasantly Surprised / Love Myself or You official Facebook page and as watermarked. 



15 responses to “Jasper Liu and Jolin Chien attract 600 fans for SPop Magazine autograph event (Bromance alert!)”

  1. aehyu Avatar

    I’m almost all caught up and since I marathoned it, I didn’t really find it all that boring. To be honest I have squealed a few times because the entire cast is surprisingly really cute

    1. kat Avatar

      It is cute~ and no one is really annoying but there were a couple of eps (9 & 10 I think?) where the first half hour was just… I don’t know what – because it doesn’t feel like it serves a *purpose*. (eg. the whole crew going shopping, Ah Jie & Da Zhi going shopping, Ah Jie & Xiao Yi dress up to make KQ happy…) The product placements / time wasting / excessive fan service gets to me sometimes!

      1. aehyu Avatar

        Lol I agree, the shopping and party had absolutely no purpose and did stick out a bit like a sore thumb, I think the ending of that scene where she has an argument with Jolin’s characer could have been brought out a bit more naturally. It felt like the party solely existed only so that they could get all the characters in the right location at the right time, though I guess I’m not that bothered by the fan service, I kind of just assume it comes with the whole tw rom-com territory, subtlety isn’t exactly a forte of this genre anyway and I figured there’s no point in me being a stickler. I have to admit though, with so little conflict at this point in the series apart from Ah Jie’s brother, how they’re planning on stringing this along for another 6 episodes >.<

        1. kat Avatar

          I see what you mean, I have double standards so if this was a couple I *really* ship … then I wouldn’t complain about the fan service. 😛

          I suggest for the last 6 episodes (or more) we try to find another girl for Jolin’s character. He’s too sweet to end up alone. 😉

  2. timeinthegray Avatar

    I have to say, it totally worked out with only Jasper and Jolin being present at the press conference, ’cause they’re adorkablesss. <3 I'm not really sure why there aren't more people who appreciate HW as a second lead. Other than being only slightly more overbearing and clingy than I would've liked, he's aces. I thought it was a little too impulsive of him when he threw that punch at AJ, but he was quick to show us that he's the voice of reason when it comes to AJ & KQ mending their relationship. He really just wants what’s the best for KQ, even if it means that he doesn’t get the girl in the end. I dunno if you’ve seen Fall in Love with Me in any shape or form (I honestly hope you haven’t) but I actually saw someone suggest that HW end up with Huanhuan (this craaazy, delusional sweetheart-turned-b*tch in FILWM)… and I was like r u srs. =__= HW deserves so much better than that.

    1. kat Avatar

      They are soooo adorkable indeed!!!!! If the majority of idol drama viewers are female, then I’m sure there’ll be no complaints just seeing those two at an event LOL.

      Yeah, he was a bit pushy initially with all the meal dates but once he realised that KQ has strong feelings for AJ, he backed off and just tried to be a good friend to her. That scene of him and LX where he said he didn’t want to confess to KQ because of his fear of rejection is so saddddd. He feels so bad for not understanding KQ years ago and still beating himself up for it. Guess this is his way of making up to her.

      WHAT!!! I didn’t really watch FILWM but know some bits and pieces about the “plot”. Huan Huan is crazzzzy!!! Gosh, if LX wasn’t his sister that would’ve worked. ><

  3. carolies541 Avatar

    OMG, that gif! I saw that scene a few times but still squeal in my mind everytime I see it. So cute, can they end up together? I won’t object that.

    1. kat Avatar

      HAHAHA Which one? Jasper kissing Jolin or Jolin kissing Jasper?!?!?! I totally approve of that ending too hehe~ 😀

      1. carolies541 Avatar

        Jolin kissing Jasper, hahaha! But either way will work too.

  4. Xing Ying Avatar
    Xing Ying

    Hello! I’ll like to know if anyone is interested in selling or know of stores that sells the 華流SPOP Magazine July 2014 Normal Issue ( the one with the suave/cool look), because I have already bought the cuter version (premium edition) . Can’t seem to find the suave version one 🙁

    Is the Content /photos inside same??

    Please let me know of you guys know. Thanks in advance

    1. kat Avatar

      I don’t know where you can still buy it, but the content is the same.

      1. Xing Ying Avatar
        Xing Ying

        Thanks for replying! But Really? I heard this issue is the only issue with two different covers and inside it’s different content in terms of the photo shoot photos. Isn’t it? One is the suave and one is the cite version

        1. kat Avatar

          Sorry my bad!!!! I got confused and was thinking about the August edition!! >< sphereofgray had posted photos from the regular and limited editions

          1. Xing Ying Avatar
            Xing Ying

            Ahh!! It’s alright! ! Thanks so much anyway (:
            Hahaha yeah I know, but was looking for the hardcopy!
            *sobs sobs * I think out of stock already lah. Haha

      2. Xing Ying Avatar
        Xing Ying

        The cute version*

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