Hello there! Still in holiday mode tho

October went by pretty quickly, especially when I spent 2 weeks of it in Hong Kong and a week in Taiwan. 🙂 I didn’t watch any dramas by the way (I may have watched 1 episode of Captain of Destiny and finished re-watching Moonlight Resonance) so I’m feeling a bit out of the loop drama-wise. But I just started the new SETTV daily Love or Spend (戀愛鄰距離) because JOLIN is in it teehee. I might try to finish Captain of Destiny but the thought of having lots of Grace Chan of my screen is scary. We’ll see. In the meantime, here’s a snapshot of my efforts the past few weeks LOL.

This is only part of my haul, I’m still unpacking. This is the part I hate the most about a holiday! Where am I going to put the clothes and shoes I bought?! I thought I was pretty restraint with cosmetics this time, despite spending hours in Bonjour/Watsons/Cosmed. Plus I left on the day the new issue of Spop was released, so the shops (at the airport anyway) haven’t got them yet. 🙁 My luggage was like 30kgs – a new record, although I had to carry some family stuff back which I’m sure was at least 5kgs. 😛

Anyway, shopping aside the main purpose of my trip to HK was for family reasons, so I didn’t do much fangirl activities there. Since I was going to that part of the world I thought I’d add on some time in TW, for no particular reason. Although I was hoping something would come up. It would’ve been really really perfect if I did make it to the premiere fanmeet for Love or Spend. I was sooooo annoyed they moved it from Monday to Tuesday, which meant I couldn’t see Jolin. 🙁 I would’ve been less devastated if they said it was Tuesday in the first place, so I wouldn’t have got my hopes up!!!!! ARGH. It wasn’t meant to be.

Despite that disappointment I guess I’ll have to concentrate on the highs – and there were some, including:

  • Seeing Hins Cheung live (KKBox One Day concert)
  • Seeing Ivana Wong live (Fragrance of Music with Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra)
  • Going to a 100% Entertainment recording
  • Meeting Xiu Jie Kai at a SOB DEALL promo event

I think that has been a pretty productive October right?!?! Seeing Hins live & going to a 100% Entertainment recording had been on my fangirl wishlist for so long now and Xiu Jie Kai is every bit as handsome as he looks on TV. Plus he’s super nice to fans, staying behind signing and taking selfies with everyone (including me *giddy* – more on that in a later post!) He just started filming a new drama with Kimi Hsia which sounds rather intriguing, so I’m definitely looking forward to it now!!!!

Side note, I can’t be jetlagged (because the time difference is like, 2 hours) but I haven’t been feeling sleepy when I’m supposed to. Like, it’s 6:35am now and I’ve been up since…yesterday?!?! It just feels weird!






8 responses to “Hello there! Still in holiday mode tho”

  1. heisui Avatar

    Sounds like it was a great October 😀 It’s cool seeing some of the stuff you bought on your trips!

  2. Jo Avatar

    Whoa, sounds like it was a lot of fun, especially meeting Xiu Jiekai in person! :O What was the 100% Entertainment recording like?

    1. kat Avatar

      Yes! That was a real bonus seeing Xiu :DDDDD As for the recording, it was a long wait to get in… but they record things pretty quickly, with only 1 or 2 retakes! Kai Le is skinnier than I thought IRL and Wei Lian was rather good looking too. The episode itself was ok, I didn’t get a lot of the jokes but I would love to go back if they had guests I know.

  3. Celine Avatar

    You are so lucky to have been able to meet with Xiu Jie Kai. I’m so jealousy of you right now. Every fangirl’s dream is to take at least one selfie with their idols.

    1. kat Avatar

      It was lucky he had a promo event at the right time!!! :))) Re Love or Spend – yeah I think it’s just ok, nothing surprising so far but the leads are enjoyable to watch.

  4. Celine Avatar

    Also I have been watching Love or Spend. It’s an OK daily drama. I was hooked into it by the leads Kingone Wang and Jennifer Hong. I’m glad to see Jennifer getting a lead role. Kingone is striking the iron while it’s hot. This is his 3rd drama this year. Jolien isn’t given much to do yet in the show but so far he has brought in a few laughters for me.

  5. Anna Avatar

    I’m so jealous that you were in HK & Taiwan and saw Hins! His 酷愛 is me and my BFFL’s karaoke jam, haha. Hope you had a great time!

    Btw, I’m finishing up the last few episodes of Captain of Destiny, and I’m with ya on the low Grace Chan tolerance. Her character gets progressively more ridiculous and annoying, and her voice gets shriller by the episode…

    1. kat Avatar

      Oh really!!! It was annoying though because of copyright issues (they were doing a livestream as well) he couldn’t sing any of his pre-EEG songs. >< I was kinda disappointed about that. 🙁 But his voice was so good tho, even better than on CD. I KNOWWWW... I have about 4/5 eps left and I'm just ignoring her lol. How can Ruco's character fall for such an annoying girl. 😛

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