It feels like it’s been a while since I’ve written an actual review-ish looking post. I have been watching dramas, but just haven’t had much motivation to write. I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about why, but let’s just say I think it’s time to crawl out of a hole and catch up.
First of all – thank you so much to apqaria for the Sunshine Award nomination!!! It certainly brought a little sunshine to my boring day.
1. What drama/movie do you watch to cheer you up?
Rom-coms. I’m a sucker for them and even though I’ve seen it a gazillion times, I still enjoy the ride and love the happy ending. If I see the following movies on TV, I just have to watch them – The Proposal, Love Actually, My Best Friend’s Wedding, plus the classics (not really rom-coms) like Persuasion, Pride & Prejudice and Emma!
2. What made you feel the urge to start blogging?
At the time I think I had a lot to say fangirl about a couple of dramas so blogging is just an excuse for me to release all that fangirl craziness LOL. Somehow by writing about it, it helps to make sense of my illogical love of something!
3. Do you follow a schedule for your drama watching and blogging?
I usually watch dramas before bed. But unless I truly love a show where I have to watch it as soon as it comes out or live watch if possible, it just depends on the mood.
4. What is the first thing attract you to watch a drama/movie? (Cast, Story, ….Etc)
Cast. I’m superficial like that! Most of the time anyway, but of course there’re exceptions.
5. What is the weirdest dream you had recently?
Not sure if this is weird, but I dreamt that I was at work, doing my normal work stuff. ARGH. Gees I was annoyed. It’s weird because it felt so real, and I don’t remember the last time I actually dream about work. ><
6. Are you a big eater? And what is your favorite dish?
I… think so? Love Japanese food, but I can also live on street food from HK and Taiwan.
7. Would you ever want to try dangerous sports like sky dive or bungee jump?
NOOOOO way. I’m a scaredy cat. As I get older I’m growing to be more risk averse. I can’t even step on a roller coaster anymore!!!

8. What is your favorite drama in 2015 till now? And what is the drama you are most looking forward to watch?
Recently I fell in love with Forever – a US series. But of course stupid ABC cancelled it after the first season. See, this is why I watch Asian dramas – am I asking too much for a proper ending?!?
For Asian dramas, it’s probably HKTV’s To Be or Not To Be. I was addicted for most of it and despite its shaky ending, it was still a very well made drama.
9. If you have to choose another profession/study other than the one you have, what would that be?
Probably something medically related? Sometimes you feel very insignificant when you spend most of your day contributing numbers on a financial statement.
10. Cute or Sexy?
Sexy? Yeah, accents are sexy and I love those.
11. Do you watch variety shows? If yes, which is your favorite?
Not very regularly. I watch when my favourites are the guests. If I’m bored I also watch the food-related travel shows. The old-school 100% Entertainment were probably my favourite, it’s all changed now.
Thank you again to apqaria. <3
I know I am breaking the rules again but I just crawled out of my cave, be gentle on me!! ><
OKKKK, since this is a catchup post, and omg there hasn’t been a ‘roundup’ for months and months, I just thought I’d jot down some thoughts on the dramas I’m watching right now.
Currently Watching
A Step into the Past (up to Ep 9) – There has been some talk about this drama being remade in China, AND the original lead Louis Koo is thinking of doing a movie… I think it’s about time I actually watch this. (and I call myself a LF fan, yikes!) But so far, I love it. It’s so much funnier than that Three Kingdoms RPG (it’s the same kind of jokes, but sorry I really should not mention that crappy series again). Despite my reservations about Louis Koo – he is not a natural actor even to this day, I love the ‘adventure’ aspect to this story. It reminds me of another Huang Yi adaptation Twin of Brothers. I’m not a huge wuxia fan, but the story is very interesting. Also, I find these ‘old-school not advanced CGI’ to be way more realistic than what we see now. Ah the nostalgia.
Claire (up to Ep 6) – I must love Xiu Jie Kai a lot because I keep on picking up his dramas. This one is a short web series (13 eps, approx 20 mins per ep) so it’s not much of a commitment. The beginning was pretty good, Tia Li is still rather wooden and she is the lead. But the cinematography looks good. Xiu Jie Kai is actually awkward as a ‘CEO’ type character. I just don’t think it suits him. However, the 2nd lead guy is cute and I think the story is more realistic than your typical idol drama. The complete series was released by Line TV already but since that is only available in Taiwan and the versions uploaded to YouTube seemed… incomplete (?), the Youku version seems like a safer bet but they’re only up to ep 7 right now (and only 2 eps a week). So I just have to be patient with this one.
Dear Mom (up to Ep 42) – I don’t know whether I can still call this one ‘currently watching’ because I haven’t touched it since the beginning of April. o_O It’s beginning to feel like I’m watching too many dramas right now so I don’t think I’ll realistically pick this one back up anytime soon. It just feels like such a daunting task… another 42 episodes! And I already know what’s going to happen from reading the news etc.
The Menu (up to Ep 13) – Just over half way through this drama now although it feels like I took so long to get here. I took a few weeks break from it not because the drama is bad, I just wanted to get another drama out of the way first. This is another great production from HKTV and other than the production values, its strength is definitely in the character development. I feel like I really get to know what ‘the life of a reporter’ is like and the staff at this newspaper all have their own stories to tell. Gosh, I have no idea how Catherine Chau has been ‘undiscovered’ (aka wasted by TVB) all these years, she may not be your traditional beauty but she has the ‘everyday person’ quality and is very relatable. She definitely has the acting chops to be a leading actress. The other leading lady Noel Leung is a welcome sight back on our screens. She still look as beautiful as she did 20 years ago! The only question mark I have is Kate Yeung. Her character was somewhat annoying in the beginning but the redeeming factor is her bickering relationship with my fav Gregory Wong. If I have to be picky, it would be the plot moves quite fast. (Just like a newsroom I guess!) I haven’t had time to digest the last story and already we’re moving on the next newsworthy item.
Murphy’s Law of Love (up to Ep 10) – Cute + Fluffy. Plot is getting pretty thin though. Maybe it’s because I’m questioning why Xiang Zi Yan (Jolin Chien) exists in this drama. He was the reason I started watching remember?!? They need to give him something to do. But the OTP is so engraved and super cute now that any other distractions from the main couple will definitely anger the fans. Despite my selfish reasons, Ji Jia Wei (Danson Tang) and Guan Xiao Tong (Ivelyn Lee) are super duper cute and I’m always left wondering how these two are 30 years old. Funny to watch but definitely not realistic. Surprisingly, I’m also feeling a lot of sympathy for 2nd female lead He Zhi Yu (Jenna Wang). We all make mistakes in our pasts and at least she tries to change after everything happened. She’s more considerate and caring of others now, instead of being so self centred and too focused on her career. I like flawed characters like that. Let’s just hope she won’t turn desperately evil later on just to win back Ji Jia Wei.
Phew! I started this post last week and finally!!! In an attempt to motivate myself to write more regularly, here’s my current ‘To Do’ list – I may not be able to write more detailed posts on what I’m watching now because I really want to concentrate on things I’ve already finished (some for a few months already!) – before I lose the plot and forget it all!
- Eye in the Sky Eps 16 to 20 thoughts (gosh, memory is way hazy already)
- [Review] To be or not to be (one I really want to write because of my love for it)
- [Review] Mr Right Wanted (it was okay…I guess)
- [Movie Review] 20 Once Again (another ok but not great movie)
- [Double Movie Reviews] Kung Fu Jungle + Rise of the Legend (Donnie Yen > Eddie Peng, yep you read that right!)
- [Review] Constellation Women Series: Aries (8pm drama disguised as an idol drama, I got a kick out of watching the craziness.)
- Maybe a review of The Election, MAYBE.
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