Category: HK Dramas
Line Walker Episodes 16 to 20 thoughts
One step forward, two steps back. That’s kinda what I felt after the fourth week. It wasn’t bad per se, not much happened in episodes 16 and 17 but I guess we have to take a breather after the action packed previous week. The main issue is we now have several impending developments that I’m…
Line Walker Episodes 11 to 15 thoughts
EXCITEMENT!!!! If I was a bit apprehensive about Line Walker being ‘just another TVB series featuring cops, undercover cops, dirty cops, triads’, then the third week completely blew my expectations out of the water. It is fast paced, no draggy plots and keeps you on your toes. Of course it’s not perfect, but if it…
Line Walker Episodes 6 to 10 thoughts
How about we start with a game? This was the question posed to the audience (HK residents can use the TVBfun app to send in their answers) So the question is – Help Cheuk Sir to find the five undercovers! 1. Bau Seed (Raymond Lam) – Confirmed to be an undercover. But I…
Line Walker Episodes 1 to 5 thoughts
I think I’m starting to learn that if I keep expectations low, I’ll enjoy a series more. Line Walker started last week and even though there wasn’t a really explosive first episode, the rest of the week provided some excitement and a ‘hook’ for the audience to continue watching – provided that you don’t mind…
Upcoming TVB series Line Walker: An interview with the producer
This article from TVB Weekly was from a few months ago (April I think) but I haven’t had a chance to post about it until now! Given that Line Walker (使徒行者) will be premiering on 25 August, I figured it’s about time to dig this up again. 🙂 I guess the only reason I’m…
Ruse of Engagement – Carson and Yip Ting moments
I still have a half (or maybe even less) written post about Ruse of Engagement but I just thought I’d take a moment to remember this ship. A ship that was never meant to sail. Actually, I don’t know whether the writers intended to at least give them something more because RoE was filmed in…
A Time of Love (Part 4: Japan) Recap
It’s about time I think?! Final part of the A Time of Love series in Japan – with Aaron Yan, Naomi Watanabe and Wong Cho Lam! Legend says 300 years ago, a type of mysterious wagashi appeared known as ‘Wada No. 1’. From the King, the Prince, the Army General, the Geishas, to the…
Ruse of Engagement Episodes 1 to 10 thoughts
(I’m a bit behind on this series and I know I won’t be able to catch up until next month. So I don’t want to see any SPOILERS please!!!! Although I think I saw one just by doing a simple Google search. WTH!) In the last couple of years I haven’t watched that many…
A Time of Love (Part 3: Korea) Recap
At a coffee shop, Kim Dong Sung / King (Youn Jung-Hoon) is waiting for someone. He is about to leave when Linda (Linda Chung) arrives saying she’s only late for 45 minutes. She wants to learn basic Korean conversation in three weeks. Since he lived in Hong Kong before and understands Cantonese, she wants him…