Tag: Line Walker

  • Another one of those year end review posts

    Another one of those year end review posts

    Compared to the last two years, a great thing this year is that I don’t have to work between Christmas and New Years! I was hoping to catch up on some dramas – as you’ll see below I’ve started a few with the ‘intention’ of continuing on but then life just got in the way,…

  • Line Walker Episodes 16 to 20 thoughts

    Line Walker Episodes 16 to 20 thoughts

    One step forward, two steps back. That’s kinda what I felt after the fourth week. It wasn’t bad per se, not much happened in episodes 16 and 17 but I guess we have to take a breather after the action packed previous week. The main issue is we now have several impending developments that I’m…

  • Line Walker Episodes 11 to 15 thoughts

    Line Walker Episodes 11 to 15 thoughts

    EXCITEMENT!!!! If I was a bit apprehensive about Line Walker being ‘just another TVB series featuring cops, undercover cops, dirty cops, triads’, then the third week completely blew my expectations out of the water. It is fast paced, no draggy plots and keeps you on your toes. Of course it’s not perfect, but if it…

  • Line Walker Episodes 6 to 10 thoughts

    Line Walker Episodes 6 to 10 thoughts

    How about we start with a game? This was the question posed to the audience (HK residents can use the TVBfun app to send in their answers)   So the question is – Help Cheuk Sir to find the five undercovers!   1. Bau Seed (Raymond Lam) – Confirmed to be an undercover. But I…

  • Line Walker Episodes 1 to 5 thoughts

    Line Walker Episodes 1 to 5 thoughts

    I think I’m starting to learn that if I keep expectations low, I’ll enjoy a series more. Line Walker started last week and even though there wasn’t a really explosive first episode, the rest of the week provided some excitement and a ‘hook’ for the audience to continue watching – provided that you don’t mind…

  • Fortnightly Roundup No 20 – 1 September 2014

    Fortnightly Roundup No 20 – 1 September 2014

    I’ve been in full blown fangirl mode for the past week or so. HAHAHA. Been pretty restrained on this blog but probably less of that on Twitter. Like… 3 of my last 5 tweets were related to him in some way. LOL.   Hello, you. Expect more of his face around this blog soon.  …