New teaser for web drama Le Jun Kai, to premiere in July?

There had been talk that web drama “Le Jun Kai” – starring Peter Ho and Janine Chang will premiere on Sohu in July, but nothing concrete had been set. Although a couple of days ago someone posted on weibo (she might be one of the producers) that it could be July 2 – but did she mean a proper trailer will be released? Or the actual web drama? Of course I’m hoping for the latter but I won’t be holding my breath. In the meantime, two new promotional posters and a new teaser had been released.

Like the previous behind the scenes videos, this new teaser has pretty crappy background music but it’s looking more like a proper trailer. Poor Janine is definitely getting beaten around a lot in this web drama! He throws things at her, puts his hands around her neck, pushes her everywhere… gosh, this has the potential to be so so corny and unbearable, but it can also be one of those guilty pleasures you don’t really want to admit you’re enjoying.


“Li Ye – you’re here to repay debts, so… I cannot say I love you.”

“Torturing you… to hide my love for you…”

“But… I really don’t want to lose you…”





14 responses to “New teaser for web drama Le Jun Kai, to premiere in July?”

  1. heisui Avatar

    I don’t like the synopsis of the drama at all. =___= Another one of those guy-mistreats-girl-but-falls-in-love-with-her dramas.

    1. kat Avatar

      Ha yes it’s pretty twisted isn’t it and such a bad message to send out to people. I’m only watching for Peter / Janine, loved their chemistry in Ring Ring Bell. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Aehyu Avatar

    Some twisted part of me, is kind of looking forward to all that cheesy crap, but damn Janine sure looks like a punch bag in this teaser. Also what’s with the awful music? Peter and Janine should date already ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. kat Avatar

      Haha it’s like junk food, you know it’s bad for you but you still want to eat it.

      Out of all the teasers so far this one already has the most ‘normal’ music >< I hope it's not an indication of how the drama will be.

  3. Carol Avatar

    Will this be English subbed? Or will I have to wait forever? I liked their chemistry in RRB and this will be interesting to watch. I’m intrigued by the story but I don’t know I can handle the abuse!

    1. kat Avatar

      There’s a Viki fan channel already, so it’s likely? Since it’s only a short series, the chances are higher as well right… ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. imallheart Avatar

        I hope so! I think all dramas should automatically be English subtitled! Especially Peter Ho ones! I’ve just discovered him and find him adorable!

        1. kat Avatar

          There is a Mainland drama in the works that will be the first one to be in English and Chinese! So hopefully that trend will take off~!! Sadly Peter mostly film CDramas these days and it’s even harder to find them subbed?

          1. imallheart Avatar

            Sad indeed. Which is kind of ironic since isn’t be born in US and studied in Canada? He must know he’s got fans over here! I really wanna find vids of him speaking English & Canto (since I understand mostly Canto). By the way, what are some good Canto show that are English subbed?

          2. kat Avatar

            Oh HAHAHA funny you mentioned Canto because I love watching him speak Canto!!!! Totally recommend ones from this event: ( – a function he did in HK a few months ago, the games part was hilarious as well. And also he did some interviews last month ( – there’re five since I think it was aired over a week? Both times he’s promoting condoms LOOOOOOL.

            As for good Canto shows, I saw a few eps of A Change of Heart and Awfully Lawful and A Change of Heart is quite good.

          3. Carol Avatar

            Nice! I enjoyed those videos. My canto is not that great anymore so I didn’t catch everything they were saying but I think I got the just of it! I love watching him speak Canto too but it’s a hit & miss when I search for him. I’d love to hear him speak English but that’s pretty rare eh? Where are you from? Do you understand Canto & Mandarin?

          4. kat Avatar

            Fanvids to the rescue!!! Someone made a compilation of him speaking English ( – glorious! ๐Ÿ˜€

            And a radio interview completely in English!!!!

            I’m originally from HK but live in Australia now~ So I understand Canto but Mandarin is pretty patchy, watching TW dramas is my way of learning LOL.

          5. Carol Avatar

            That was fun to hear him speaking English! Wish he’d do more of it! Lol! I’m originally from HK too! But I left when I was 4 and even though my parents spoke to me in Canto, I’d respond in English. *hangs head in shame* now I live in Hawaii and I just got into watching Taiwanese dramas cuz if Peter but I gotta watch more canto dramas to improve my Canto!

  4. annedarmawan Avatar

    Can’t wait to count the days… ๐Ÿ™‚ Peter… Janineee…… why don’t you marry each other???

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