This sounds so cute – Sisterhood group hug!!! Thanks to Anna & Estelle for the nomination.

The Questions:
1. What is your favourite drama of all time?
It’s difficult to choose between In Time with You and Survivors Law. I haven’t rewatched Survivors Law for a while now so ITWY is probably ranked slightly higher. However, both dramas I can watch over and over again.
2. What got you into blogging?
The detailed version is in my 100th post, but in short, I’ve always been interested in making websites and had a few fansites over the years. Eventually, I didn’t want to write a ‘personal’ blog but still wanted somewhere I can babble / fangirl… so that’s when this site was born!
3. Would you prefer to be too hot or too cold?
Tough question!! I live in a place where it can get way too hot so I guess I’m more ‘used’ to the heat than cold. (But that doesn’t mean I like it!) The cold however, I’m not very tolerant of – plus that feeling of indoor heating just doesn’t sit well with me. So I guess I have to say too hot?!?
4. If you could meet an actor/actress of your choice, who would it be?
Argh… So many. I want to see Bolin Chen again because he speaks the cutest Cantonese LOL. But since I haven’t Jolin Chien before, that would really nice. Or anyone on my favourites list I haven’t met before! I’m not greedy at all.
5. Do you snack while watching dramas? If so, what’s your snack of choice?
Sometimes! Chips? Chocolate – you know, all the healthy stuff.
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