Tag: George Hu

  • [Upcoming TW Drama] Love Cheque Charge aka Happiness Voucher with George Hu, Phoebe Yuan and Xie Kun Da

    [Upcoming TW Drama] Love Cheque Charge aka Happiness Voucher with George Hu, Phoebe Yuan and Xie Kun Da

    OK so what is with this title? Surely they will change it eventually right? But they already registered their Facebook fan page with this name so… I’m referring to 幸福兌換券 by the way, aka Happiness Voucher – the new SETTV daily drama announced a couple of weeks ago (news here & here) when George Hu,…

  • Fortnightly Roundup No. 6 – 27 October 2013

    Fortnightly Roundup No. 6 – 27 October 2013

    Thought I might change this to ‘fortnightly’ roundup from now on, it probably works better this way. Although I have a bad memory and some things I wanted to include might have been forgotten by the time I write this post. >< I might need a system in place!   Why the Triumph in the…

  • Reimagining Justice Bao: Detective Alliance 新神探联盟 initial thoughts

    Reimagining Justice Bao: Detective Alliance 新神探联盟 initial thoughts

    Last night I was planning to write about “Dragon Gate”, but instead I got lazy and started watching this. Detective Alliance / New Justice Bao (新神探联盟) is a reimagining of the iconic Justice Bao – you know, the righteous judge with the dark skin and crescent shaped birthmark on his forehead? I’m not sure what is the official English…

  • Love Around Episodes 3-6 thoughts

    Love Around Episodes 3-6 thoughts

    I’m feeling rather disappointed that Love Around is not doing anything for me. I neither feel this elusive feeling of excitement nor anticipation whenever a new episode rolls around. I often wonder if it’s just me, since I have been following DF’s Blog and on their main site (plus browsing through the tags on Tumblr)…

  • Love Around episodes 1-2 thoughts

    Love Around episodes 1-2 thoughts

    I have a habit of struggling to keep posts precise. It used to happen when I was trying to keep to the word limit for assignments. I just tend to write way too much. But I guess for Love Around, this isn’t going to be a problem because… there isn’t much plot development going on?…