Tag: thoughts
Rock Records in Love Eps 1 and 2 thoughts
Over the past year or so, I feel like I haven’t watched that many Taiwanese dramas. But I think I’m starting to get my head back in (so to speak) since there has been a few with decent production values and solid reviews. I wasn’t going to watch Rock Records in Love 滾石愛情故事 because it’s a…
Nirvana in Fire: An epic journey (plus all the feels)
I started writing this post the next day after I finished Nirvana in Fire aka Lang Ya Bang (瑯琊榜), the epic 54 episode Chinese drama starring Hu Ge, Liu Tao, Wang Kai plus many other fine actors (and actors/directors!) This is technically not a review, it’s more like – some thoughts on the reasons why…
The Time I’ve Loved You or We Were Not In Love – Round Table + Eps 5 to 8 Ramblings
Quick checkin here! I just wanted to thank Kappy from AVV for the invitation to join the round table! Keane and Hess (from A Virtual Voyage), misscupcakes (from A Fairytale World) and I discuss the premiere episodes of The Time I’ve Loved You / The Time We Were Not in Love. >> You can read…
The Time I’ve Loved You or We Were Not In Love Episodes 1 to 4 ramblings
I know, I wasn’t going to go there. I was one of those people who loved In Time with You who thought to herself – although I would like to see how the Koreans will take this story, I probably am way too biased to have any kind of objective opinion over this drama. Consider…
Eye in the Sky Episodes 11 to 15 thoughts
I’m being good this week and started writing this post less than an hour after I finished watching episode 15. But it doesn’t mean I was excited about this week’s ‘cliffhanger’. There wasn’t one! This show has been spoiling us so much I’m starting to think what goes up, must come down (or at least…
Eye in the Sky Episodes 6 to 10 thoughts
There is SO SO SO much I want to say about Week 2 (episodes 6 to 10) of Eye in the Sky I don’t even know where to start. This series is fast paced, intense and I’m officially addicted. Having two good looking guys in it helps, A LOT. The ratings for this so far…
Eye in the Sky Episodes 1 to 5 thoughts
When you say ‘TVB series’ nowadays, the response tends to be – well, not so complimentary things. Whether it’s the low budget, or the recycled plots, or a bunch of newbies with questionable acting skills, or the same few people singing the theme songs… I can go on. However, Eye in the Sky is THE…
Dear Mom Episodes 1 to 25 thoughts
Since I was away a few weeks ago, I’m now WAYYYYY behind on Dear Mom (我的寶貝四千金), SETTV’s currently airing daily drama. I don’t usually watch Taiwanese daily dramas, because they are normally over 70 episodes and they adopt a shoot-as-you-air format. Scenes we’re watching tonight could’ve been shot a day or two ago. Needless to…
[K-Drama!] Pride & Prejudice Episodes 1 to 4 thoughts
I had to set up a new category for this post – this tells you this is my first post EVER on a Korean drama. *throws confetti* I must be one of the last Asians on Earth who have never watched a K Drama (because even my dad watches them). I mean, it’s not because…
[Overall thoughts] Marry or Not (TW-2013)
So I started Marry or Not (結婚好嗎? – literal translation: Is marriage good? or it can also be meant like a proposal) almost a year ago (it began airing in late November 2013) but didn’t actually finish until July this year. Yes, it took 8 months and now it’s taken me another 3 months to…